Communications on WhatsApp are now fully end-to-end encrypted, the company announced on Apirl 5, completing an integration that has lasted for nearly a year and a half. The company began rolling out encrypting text messages in November 2014, as part of a partnership with Open Whisper Systems, but those protections now extend to voice calls, video, and multi-party chat rooms, for users on both iOS and Android.
Deploying universal encryption allows for a number of new protections. Once communications with a user are encrypted, the WhatsApp client will now notify the user and refuse to send any unencrypted messages, addressing previous concerns that the system might be vulnerable to a downgrade attack.
The result is strong security for WhatsApp users, and potentially a template that could be applied to other services going forward. Open Whisper's protocol is open source, and the group has pledged to help other messenger services employ the same protections going forward. "Over a billion monthly active users across the world are now using the Signal Protocol for end to end encryption," Open Whisper wrote in its blog post announcing the change. "Over the next year, we will continue to work with additional messengers to amplify the impact and scope of private communication even further."
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